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Edible fruit in a sentence

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Sentence count:18Posted:2022-04-24Updated:2022-04-24
Similar words: stone fruitgrapefruitgrapefruit juiceediblecredibleinedibleincrediblefruitsMeaning: n. edible reproductive body of a seed plant especially one having sweet flesh. 
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1. There are many edible fruits growing wild in the coastal forest.
2. Mediterranean tree widely cultivated for its edible fruit.
3. North American mulberry having dark purple edible fruit.
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. West Indian passionflower; cultivated for its yellow edible fruit.
5. Mexican black cherry tree having edible fruit.
6. East Indian tree cultivated for its immense edible fruit and seeds.
7. East Indian tree with thick leathery leaves and edible fruit.
8. Philippine tree similar to the breadfruit tree bearing edible fruit.
9. A large, widely cultivated deciduous tree (Prunus avium) of the rose family, native to Eurasia, having red-brown birchlike bark, white flowers, and sweet edible fruit.
10. Any of various tendril-bearing plants of the genus Cucurbita, having fleshy edible fruit with a leathery rind and unisexual flowers.
11. An African vine ( Citrullus lanatus ) cultivated for its large, edible fruit.
12. A spiny evergreen shrub or tree(Citrus aurantifolia), native to Asia and having leathery leaves, fragrant white flowers, and edible fruit.
13. A small Chinese tree(Prunus persica) widely cultivated throughout temperate regions, having pink flowers and edible fruit.
14. A widely cultivated tree(Pyrus communis) in the rose family, having glossy leaves, white flowers grouped in a corymb, and edible fruit.
15. Any of various tropical American passionflowers, especially Passiflora quadrangularis, bearing edible fruit.
16. Any of various tropical American shrubs and trees of the genus Psidium, especially P. guajava, having white flowers and edible fruit.
17. Polysaccharide, a very important health factor in foods, consists exten sively in edible fruit and veg - etable.
18. Any of various New World shrubs of the genus Gaylussacia, related to the blueberries and bearing edible fruit.
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